Azul Skin Care

Brightening Back Facial

Reaching your back yourself might seem a little tough, when it comes to cleansing on a daily basis; precisely why you should opt for a Brightening Back Facial at regular intervals. This back facial is great to cleanse the pores on your back followed by a glycolic peel.

Deep extraction is important for not just your face, but back too. The pores on your back need to be cleansed and your skin should be able to breathe better. This facial includes deep cleansing of the pores through deep extraction followed by a Glycolic peel. If you have pimples or scars of pimples from the past, this facial can clarify, reduce the scars and visually brighten up your skin. Since your back holds a lot of tension, this treatment will help you relax. So just relax and enjoy the pampering as your back becomes smoother than ever. 

Recommended to add a facial, so your back and your face get equal attention.

40% Deposit Collected at Booking. Full Payment Collected After Treatment.

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